Planning for Gate Access - Installing an automatic slide gate at your Rental Facility
Things you should know!

This guide is provided to you from Alltec to give you helpful hints and information to make the planning and installation of a slide gate system as easy as possible; whether you are installing it yourself or having it professionally installed.
After reading this information, please e-mail us at so we can help you put together a system to meet your needs.

The current UL-325 and ASTM safety standards that apply to your gate are too complex to describe in great detail. The following is a list of general specifications and requirements you need to know.

CLASS 1 — RESIDENTIAL VEHICULAR GATE OPERATOR — A vehicular gate operator or system intended for use in a home of one to four single family dwellings, or a garage or parking area associated therewith.

CLASS II — COMMERCIAL/ GENERAL ACCESS VEHICULAR GATE OPERATOR— A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in a commercial location or building such as a multi-family housing unit (five or more single family units), hotel, GARAGES, retail store, or other building servicing the general public.”

CLASS III — INDUSTRIAL/ LIMITED ACCESS VEHICULAR GATE OPEATOR — A vehicular gate operator or system intended for use in an industrial location or building such as a factory or loading dock area or other locations not intended to service the general public.

CLASS IV — RESTRICTED ACCESS VEHICULAR GATE OPERATOR— A vehicular gate operator or system intended for use in a guarded industrial location or building such as an airport security area or other restricted access locations not servicing the general public, in which unauthorized access is prevented via supervision by security personnel. 

Alltec Gates and Operators are intended for use with a vehicular horizontal slide gate on a Class I, II, III or Class IV installation. A vehicular horizontal slide gate is defined as any moving barrier that slides in the horizontal direction and is intended for vehicle use to enter a drive, parking lot or the like.

UL has defined a self storage or rental apartment facility as a Class II installation. See above for description.

REQUIREMENTS - All Alltec gate systems meet or exceed the UL standards 

a.The gate must be relatively smooth and free operating full open to full close. 
b.The gate must be designed to travel level and not fall more than 45 degrees 
  from plumb if it comes off of its rollers or wheels. 
c.The GATEADJACENT FENCE and SUPPORT POSTS must be screened or guarded to 
  prevent a 2-1/4” sphere from passing through at any point up to 6' high. 
d.All wheels and rollers must be guarded  
e.The gate must be installed so the gate does not create an area of potential
f. Gate area must have a separate access point for pedestrians, such as a
  pedestrian gate a minimum of 6 feet from the moving gate. 

The Operator (motor) — In a Class II Installation, the operator must have two anti-entrapment systems to prevent injury or death-
a primary and a secondary. A type A inherent (built in) obstruction sensor is required for the primary. If the machine is UL listed - class II compliant –it has the primary. There are different types of secondary sensors used by different manufacturers. We recommend a type B-1 non-contact sensor (photocell) for the close cycle. We recommend a type B-2 contact sensor (pneumatic edge usually mounted on the gate post) for the open cycle. You are required to have at least one but you may need additional devices on posts and other potential hazards. Often it is impractical to use pneumatic edges alone as a secondary entrapment device.

OTHER REQUIREMENTS — all standard on UL-325 listed operators.

a.Maximum speed of one foot per second. 
b.A built-in manual disconnect to allow the gate to be moved independent of the 
  operator in the event of an emergency or power outage. 
c.Labeling to warn the user of the potential hazards of automatic gates. 
d.Two warning signs to be attached to the gate to warn users of the hazards. 
e.Complete instructions and safety information. 

CONTROLS — All controls must a minimum of 6 feet away from the automatic gate to prevent the user from coming in contact with the gate. Drive up controls must be a minimum of 10 feet away from the gate. We recommend 12 feet.

The UL and ASTM standards impact on the industry is not yet apparent because it, for the most part, has not become law. The insurance providers may start charging higher liability premiums to property owners if their gates are not up to safety standards. Alltec looks at this as both a challenge and an opportunity to produce the safest products and keep the cost down so it is not a financial decision but a simple matter of safety for property owners.


There are four things to consider when choosing a location for a slide gate:

1.The Space — Do you have enough room to slide it open & close it? 
  A typical slide gate requires the size of the opening, plus 50% more than that to slide into. That means the overall                  space required is 2.5 times the gate opening. 

Example: A typical 17’ chain link gate needs 27’ to open into or an overall space of 44’. The Alltec Monorail 17’ gate needs 24’ to slide into or an overall space of 41’. We can fit a 17’ gate into a space as small as 22 foot’ with an overall space of 39’. 

NOTE: UL and ASTM safety standards require a separate access point for pedestrians so you want to consider at least 4’ extra for pedestrian access. 

2.The Grade — To have a secure and efficient operating gate, you want it to be relatively close to the ground (3” to
  7”). This requires a grade that does not vary too much from level at the gates location. A level grade at the gate
  closed position is good and it is OK to have that grade go down where the gate opens into. But, if the grade climbs
  where the gate slides open, you will have problems. One possible solution is to cut a trench for the gate to slide
  into. When possible, try to design and plan the grade for the gate. We can design the monorail gate to climb up to
  a two foot grade to help solve this problem. (requires professional installation)

3.Traffic Flow — When deciding the location for a slide gate, always consider its effect on traffic flow.

  a.The gate should be located as far from the street as possible. For self storage 40’ to 50’ minimum. 
  b.Never force vehicles to turn through or into a gate. All turns should be far enough away so vehicles have a
 straight shot at the gate and its controls—in and out! 
  c.Controls should be positioned for customer convenience and safety. 

4.Parking — How do your prospective customers get to your rental office. If the
  parking is behind the gate, people who do not have access through the gate do not have convenient access to the
  Office and Manager. If parking outside the gate is not possible, then consider good and informative signage in
  conjunction with an intercom system. Most access control systems are available with an intercom system.

Electrical & Control Systems 

Yes, automatic gates require electrical conduit and wired control systems. There are wireless systems and battery powered gate operators, all good, but generally much more costly and, in the case of controls, generally have much fewer operational features. If you are using wireless controls, consult with the manufacturer of the equipment.
Power — Gate operators require power to run. Typically electricity provided from your electrical panel. Even if you are considering a battery powered gate operator, you will still need to have a charging circuit and control circuit connected to it.
You must run a conduit from the power source (usually the electrical circuit breaker panel) to the gate operator location. There must be separate conduits for low voltage control circuits such as keypad cables etc. Most localities require electrical license to perform this work. Be sure to meet all local and national electrical codes.
Controls — The keypads, card readers or even switches that open the gate need wires to the gate operator and the computers that run them.
You will need a conduit from each control location and from the computer location to the gate operator location. Remember to plan their location far enough from the gate (at least 6 feet) to prevent contact by the user with the gate.

Alltec does not warranty the information in this publication and assumes no liability for its content. The information herein is for reference only and in no way should be assumed to be specific to any facility existing or being planned. 

(708) 712 0397